Digital DE

Digital DE

In the discrete-event (DE) simulator, the actors communicate via sequences of events placed in time, along a real time line. An event consists of a value and time stamp. Actors can either be processes that react to events (implemented as Java threads) or functions that fire when new events are supplied. This model of computation is popular for specifying digital hardware and for simulating telecommunications systems, and has been realized in a large number of simulation environments, simulation languages, and hardware description languages, including VHDL and Verilog.

DE models are excellent descriptions of concurrent hardware, although increasingly the globally consistent notion of time is problematic. In particular, it over-specifies (or over-models) systems where maintaining such a globally consistent notion is difficult, including large VLSI chips with high clock rates. Every event is placed precisely on a globally consistent time line. The DE simulator implements a sophisticated discrete-event simulator. Other DE simulators in general need to maintain a global queue of pending events sorted by time stamp (this is called a priority queue). This is expensive, as inserting new events into the list requires searching for the right position at which to insert it. The VisualSim DE simulator uses a calendar queue data structure for the global event queue. A calendar queue may be thought of as a hash-table that uses quantized time as a hashing function. As such, both enqueue and dequeue operations can be done in time that is independent of the number of events in the queue. In addition, the DE simulator gives deterministic semantics to simultaneous events, unlike most competing discrete-event simulators. This means that for any two events with the same time stamp, the order in which they are processed can be inferred from the structure of the model. This is done by analyzing the graph structure of the model for data precedence so that in the event of simultaneous time stamps, events can be sorted according to a secondary criterion given by their precedence relationships. VHDL, for example, uses delta time to accomplish the same objective.