January 2022 Newsletter

Latest in the VisualSim World

Mirabilis Design Inc. wrapped up 2021 with comprehensive solutions for accurate software behavior analysis and evaluating the quality of cybersecurity solution.  On the corporate front, the number of customers grew by 2X and revenue increased 400%. 

The introduction of the hybrid processor library provided System SoC the ability to quickly experiment with new many-core topologies, while the SysML import enabled systems engineers to simulate their architecture to validate timing deadlines, throughout, power consumption and analyze the impact of failure. The addition of a cybersecurity solution allowed network designers to expand the scope of network evaluation.  

The hybrid processor library has been introduced at a critical juncture when automotive vehicles are trying to do more with software, especially autonomous driving.  Tesla changed processors and the car mileage dropped by 5%.  The hybrid processor can detect such quality issues during system planning.

The first newsletter of the new year brings forth customer success, media interaction and modeling accuracy at the architecture phase.

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